The Provost Addressing the Staff

On the need to curtail administrative bottlenecks and encourage efficient service delivery in the school, the College management in collaboration with Senior Staff Union of Colleges of Education (SSUCOEN) NOCEN chapter organized a one-day staff training/workshop on Tuesday,15th October, 2024.

The theme of the workshop: Unlocking Administrative Excellence through Positive Work Atitude and Career Advancement, has a sub-theme: Shaping the Future of Work Through Continuous Learning.

In her opening remarks, the Provost of Nwafor Orizu College of Education, Nsugbe (NOCEN), Dr Justina Anyadiegwu emphasized that training is a critical step towards equipping staff with the necessary skills and knowledge to better serve the College community and broader society. In her words ” In a rapidly changing world where innovation and excellence are key drivers of success, it is imperative that we as senior and administrative staff remain at the forefront of professional development.

The Resources Person Giving His Lecture

The workshop resource person and National President of SSUCOEN, Comrade Danladi Ali Msheliza stressed that capacity building is the main instrument through which administrators acquire knowledge, skills, right attitudes to work and values which enable staff to develop their full potentials.

He maintained that the aim of the workshop was to ensure human capital development that would drive sustainable growth and repositioning of the institution. He went on to say that the initiative will leave staff as critical thinkers skilled and innovative which will undoubtedly birth a technologically sound labour force that is competitive, productive and result-oriented.

Dr Anyadiegwu in her vote of thanks opined that the workshop was an enlightening experience which exceeded staff expectations. She encouraged members of staff to take responsibility for their professional development which requires sacrifice and efforts.

She reminded them that the reward for such steady upgrades are invaluable.She further urged participants to cascade the knowledge gained from the workshop to other staff . In attendance were members of the College management, Deans of Schools, Directors, Heads of Departments and others.

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