Keying into the Healthy Living With Nonye Soludo’s Initiative recently approved by the Anambra State government, the Provost of Nwafor Orizu College of Education, Nsugbe (NOCEN) Dr Justina Anyadiegwu kick started the launching of the Healthy Living Club in the College on Tuesday, 6th August , 2024. With staff and students of the college in attendance, the event commenced with an opening prayer by Ven. Chiedozie Alutu. The Provost lauded Dr Nonye Soludo for her passion for the well being of Ndi Anambra, and for being a model of the gospel of the healthy living she preaches. The Healthy Living With Nonye Soludo Initiative is intended to instill health consciousness in every Onye Anambra and make Ndi Anambra live longer healthier and happier.

In her opening remarks, Dr Anyadiegwu urged the College community to be intentional about healthy lifestyle. She emphasized the benefits of healthy living, stating how it is a potential for productivity.

Speaking on Walk of Life; one of the topics prepared for the pro-launching of the initiative in the College, Dr Ibeagha stated that healthy living could be achieved by creating a routine of walking around to exercise one’s body. She went on to say that health is a priceless commodity everyone should purchase at all cost.

In his own presentation, Dr Sam Udeorah, speaking on Backyard Farming, stated that growing vegetables and fruits in one’s local garden saves and gives much more than running to shopping malls to purchase inorganic products. He urged the College community to endeavour to cultivate what they consume for the sake of their health.

Summing it up for the day, the Chairman of the Healthy Living Club, NOCEN; Dr Amaka Bob-Eze credited local foods as the enablers of healthy diets. In her two-page paper presentation entitled Healthy Diets: Using Local Foods, she held that the benefits of local foods are too numerous. Economic benefits and cultural significance were mentioned among others.

In her vote of thanks, the Principal, NOCEN Demonstration Secondary School Mrs Juliana Ofoefuna lauded the Provost for keying into Her Excellency’s Healthy Living Initiative and approving the creation of the Healthy Living Club in the College.

The event came to an end when Ven. Dr Charles Chukwurah said the closing prayer.

*Egbunonu, Benny. O MNIPR*

College Information and Public Relations Officer.

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