The Comrade Samuel Chukwunike Madubueze led Executive Students Union Government (SUG) was inaugurated on Wednesday, 2nd October, 2024 by the College Management for 2024/2025 Academic Session.

Members of the Executive include:

  1. Vice President-
    Ogugua Kosisochukwu
  2. Secretary General-
    Ibeh Mmesoma Maryann
  3. Assistant Secretary General- Ugwuja Precious
  4. Financial Secretary- Agbata Chiamaka
  5. Treasurer- Iwuegbunam Kenneth
  6. Commissioner for Education- Ogboh Ebubechukwu
  7. Commissioner for Information- Nnamani Daniel C.
  8. Director of Socials- Ibina Chidimma
  9. Commissioner for Sports- Onwunyi Chisom
  10. Commissioner for Transport- Mbakwe Blessed
  11. Commissioner for Welfare- Obunike Chukwuemrie

The College Provost, Dr Justina Anyadiegwu implored the new Executives to be agents of positive change. She also enjoined them to be selfless and upright in their service; charging them to be law-abiding. In her words, “be mindful that as leaders, you must be at the right track of events always. You should be purpose-driven and goal oriented; imbibe team spirit and collaboration. Above all, you must not allow your academic career to suffer as you are expected to come out in flying colours at the end of your tenure”.
She urged them to utilize the opportunity of the leadership training which their positions accord them to position themselves for future leadership opportunities.
Finally, she advised them to accord the office of Dean Students Affairs the utmost respect it deserves, and promised to introduce the electronic voting system in subsequent elections.

The Chairman, SUG Election Committee, Dr Ibiowotisi Bunmi thanked the Provost for her support. He stated that the election was conducted freely to the admiration of all contestants and students alike. According to him, “the electoral process in NOCEN was credible and has become a reference point to other tertiary institutions.

The Legal officer of the College, Barrister Onyebuchi Godwin ably represented by Dean, Students Affairs, Dr Law Egbomuche led them on Oath taking, stating that the inauguration cum swearing in ceremony is in strict compliance with the Provisions of Section 92 [a and b] of the SUG NOCEN Constitution Which stipulates that “inauguration into elective posts shall take place not later than one week after the conclusion of such an election. The inauguration shall be organized by the Dean of the Student Affairs.

The National Association of Nigeria Students representative Comrade Innocent Ikegbunam urged student leaders to be law-abiding and also respect College Management to achieve their goals . He further advised them to focus on establishing a union by working together to provide welfare for the generality of the students.

In his address, the incoming SUG president Comrade Madubueze appreciated the Management for the privilege given and trust reposed in his team to serve the School. He promised that his team will harness the unity, strength, and intellectual prowes of the students for the upliftment of the institution.

The Management Team, SUG Election Committee Team and the Newly Inaugurated Officials

In attendance, were members of the College Internal Management team: College Acting Registrar, Mrs Edith Nwoye, Acting Bursar, Mr. Toney Aniebo, College Acting Liberian, Dr Chioma Azubuike and HOD, Works and Services, Engr. Nnamdi Onyili. Others were Director of the Part Time programme, Dr Meze and members of the SUG Election Committee.

Benny O. Egbunonu MNIPR
College Information and Public Relations officer

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