Nwafor Orizu College of Education, Nsugbe (NOCEN) held her 2024 Students Industrial Work Experience Scheme (SIWES) Orientation for 2024/2025 academic session on Tuesday 30th July, 2024.

The Provost, Dr Justina Anyadiegwu ably represented by the Director of Professional Diploma in Education, Dr. Maureen Chukwuma stressed that the scheme helps to engage students in industrial/manufacturing organisations for practical education which equips them with skills necessary for professional development.

The orientation which was organized by the College SIWES Unit headed by Mrs. Nebolisa Chinwe is an annual event and has been consistent on the College’s calendar due to its importance.

The Acting College Librarian and Chairman of the occasion, Dr. Chioma Azubuike advised the students to leverage on their experience to gain vocational skills through interacting with employers and colleagues during their internship so as to become employable upon graduation.

Mrs. Ekong Nancy, the Industrial Trust Fund (ITF) Area Manager stated that their priority is to develop and support the acquisition of industrial and commercial skills, to create a pool of well trained people to meet the country’s demands.

Pastor Samuel Obiorah, Lead Pastor, Life of Faith City of Transformation Asaba and Special Guest of Honour emphasized that students need skills to be creative, innovative, digitally literate, adaptable, emotionally intelligent as well as possess good communication, effective leadership and active participation skills which will prepare them for the industrial work situations they are likely to experience after graduation.

Highlights of the event was the award giving to the College Provost, the ITF Area Manager and Pastor Obiorah.

Notably in attendance were Dean, School of Vocational and Technical Education; Dr. D.N Ezenwanne; Director of College Continuing Education; Mrs Ngozi Ajegbo; TRCN Coordinator, Dr. Uche Achebe; HOD, Business Education, Dr. Patience Anozie; Dr. Chinwe Okeke and Dr. Ogochukwu Umelue both lecturers in Business Education department. Other staff members and students also attended.

Egbunonu, Benny . O MNIPR

College Information and Public Relations Officer.

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