Wife of the Governor of Anambra State and founder of the non-governmental organisation, Healthy Living Initiative With Nonye Soludo, Mrs Nonye Soludo launched NOCEN Healthy Living Club at Nwafor Orizu College of Education, Nsugbe (NOCEN) on Thursday, 10th September, 2024.

Commissioner for Health Dr Afam Obidike

Mrs Soludo, who was ably represented by the Commissioner for Health Dr Afam Obidike commended the institution for already creating cardinal modules as they relate to a healthy living lifestyle.

She explained the importance of families and individuals eating right, and the need for improved personal and environmental hygiene. She further emphasized the need for physical fitness, exercise and cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), stressing that knowledge of basic first aid and procedures help promote a healthy lifestyle.

Dr Justina Anyadiegwu Provost, NOCEN

Earlier, the Provost of NOCEN, Dr Justina Anyadiegwu in her address welcomed Her Excellency, Mrs. Soludo and stated that the Healthy Living Club of the College will serve as a hub for actions that promote a healthy lifestyle: from fitness programs, nutritional workshops to health talks and mental health awareness.

She charged the College community to key in to the benefits of the club. In her words, she enjoined all to “let the club be the spark that ignites positive changes in the College community, that promote balance and happiness”.

Dr Nkechi Ibeagha, Head of Human Kinetics and Health Education Department of the College

The Head of Human Kinetics and Health Education Department of the College, Dr Nkechi Ibeagha during a paper presentation on the topic  *Walk for Life* ,stated that healthy living could be achieved by creating a routine of physical activities to reduce the risk of chronic diseases and improve mental health which enhances creativity for a healthy lifestyle.

The Provost Presenting an Award to Her Excellency Dr Nonye Soludo, represented by the Commisioner for Health

Three students of NOCEN Demonstration Secondary School, Nsugbe, had a discussion on Nutrigenomics: How your Gene Says What You Eat, while two pupils of NOCEN Demonstration Primary School emphasized the need to make food your medicine or medicine will become your food.

Highlights of the event were the launching of the club and inauguration of Ambassadors of  NOCEN Healthy Living Club by Her Excellency, Mrs. Soludo. These ambassadors are:
1. Mrs.Chioma Obi
2. Comrade Samuel Chukwunweike Mmadbueze
3. Master. Chinoso Precious Ezedigo
4. Miss Kamsiyochukwu Emmanuella

She charged the Ambassadors to ensure that every member represents the brand in character, appearance and understanding . Sanitary pads were also shared among the students.

An award of recognition was later presented to the governor’s wife in appreciation of her initiative and immense support for healthy living in Anambra State.

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